Full Mouth Reconstruction
Your Teeth and Gums
If your natural teeth are mostly missing or degraded from years of neglect or decay, we can replace missing teeth or a full mouth reconstruction. When looking at a full mouth reconstruction of your teeth, it is important to consider the source of the procedure, and at Oregon Dental Studio, our dental professionals have worked with patients for many years restoring their teeth.
We have the skill and experience to handle your reconstruction with absolute confidence.
There are a few common reasons we see patients come in for full reconstruction. They often include teeth lost or damaged from decay, teeth lost or damaged from trauma, or severely worn teeth from long-term grinding. In all these scenarios, not only are they often painful, but they are very hard on a patient’s self-esteem.
Teeth are truly our first impression when meeting a person and we want all our patients to feel confident they can present the best version of themselves in all situations.
Replace Missing Teeth
It’s important to address missing or severely degraded teeth for the sake of your oral health. When teeth are damaged or decayed, bacteria can flourish in spots unreachable by a toothbrush. The ultimate fear in oral hygiene is bacteria from the mouth entering the bloodstream and this happens when severely degraded teeth are left unkept. This can cause numerous additional problems that can become quite serious in nature.
Talk to the dentists at Oregon Dental Studio if you’re considering full mouth reconstruction. With our skill and experience in cosmetic dental surgery, we know we can help you, regardless of how bad you may consider your situation. We chose to work in dentistry to help people and if you’re suffering from missing or severely damaged teeth, we want to help you get back to feeling normal again. Call us today to discuss what we can do for you.